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For the past 50+ years, Carelli Design has been providing strategic solutions in all aspects of the creation process, from brand experiences to products and interfaces, from digital solutions to communications, across multiple technologies, platforms, and media.

Works Showcase

Works Past and Present

We often receive inquiries from the public requesting information about specific projects. For this reason, we provide a small assortment of past and present works online for public viewing. Unfortunately, the majority and perhaps most significant examples of our accomplishments may not be publicly disclosed by us, at the request of our clients.

Journalists are granted access privileges to our Press Members Website. Those permitted can view and obtain current press release materials on past projects as well as projects currently under development.

We are always honored by the public's curiosity in our work and welcome those interested to browse around to learn more about our creative process.

Works Showcase

We See the Future

What We Do

We have been providing solutions to meet an increasingly complex set of business needs to some of the world's most noteworthy brands for the past 50+ years. Our services include product and experience design, mechanical and software engineering, brand innovation, advertising, photography, audio and visual communication, film, web development, and everything in between.

Our Services

Our Philosophy

People's needs are at the center of the Carelli Design creative process from the very start. Products and services are imagined as a total user experience, taking into account interaction and the context of use, rather than functions alone. In this way, new solutions are not only possible but also relevant—from the social, anthropological, and personal points of view.

The Process of Innovation