Technical Engineering
Web and Mobile interface

Phase 3—Technical Engineering

At this stage, a flowchart representing site navigation will be reviewed. Team members will also analyze and streamline the site to minimize the number of mouse clicks for a typical user to arrive at relevant content. A database structure is created outlining functionality, input fields required, error/success pages, administrative user levels, login, registration, cookies, and password issues, where applicable. Programming for functionality with database-driven elements begins, while administration tools, menus, and forms that interact with potential visitors will be created.

The goal of this phase will be to create a robust and dynamic internet presence with intuitive system features. The scope of work will include the creation of all the staged components. The finalized component will be used for integration into the interface. However, a series of minor revisions and final iterations will typically take place after the initial build until we have achieved the final functioning site as intended.

Alpha testing will be performed internally. Then, a beta version of the website will be uploaded to the staging area showing the web page flow of the proposed primary, secondary, and tertiary pages. This involves “weaving” the home page with all templates below it to create a “clickable” version of the website. The staging area is created to view work in progress, testing, concept designs, etc.. It is accessible on the Web through a private password-protected URL, knowledge of which is limited strictly to the client and project team members.

Phase 4—Implementation

Software Engineering
Software Engineering

Development Phases

Website Development
Concept Exploratory Phase
Technical Engineering

50 Years of Global Innovation

With over 3500 projects under our belt and more than half a century's worth of experience in every aspect of the creative process, the journey has been one of constant learning and adaptation. The digital landscape is ever-changing, and staying ahead means being able to predict not just market trends, but also the evolving needs of users. It's about crafting experiences that resonate on a personal level, making each interaction meaningful.

What We Do at Carelli Design